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AP Exam Q&A

Q: Is the examination administered by the high school?
A: The AP Exams are administered by the College Board Association to asses students' mastery of college level subject mastery.

Q: Does my student have to take the AP Exam?
A: Students are not required by the College Board to take an exam if enrolled in an Advanced Placement course.
To complete this course however it participation is required.

Q: How can I increase my score?
A: Read a prompt carefully. Students can complete the task more successfully if they begin with an exact grasp
of what the prompt requires.

Q: What do I study?
A: The coursework for AP Sophomore English is geared towards teaching students literary terms, devices, proper research,
essay analysis and writing so they can preform optimally on the Ap Exam.

Q: Does the AP Exam score reflect on my Ap English final grade?
A: No, while it is required to pass the class the score is not included in your class grade, but the AP test is for you to
test and increase your potential!